Birmingham landmarks
As you can see from the list below Birmingham offers all types of landmarks that are both historical or modern buildings.
Birmingham landmarks map
This map of landmarks in Birmingham is based on Google maps technology. You can switch the type of map in the right upper corner by clicking on buttons Map, Satellite and Hybrid. Control panel on the left with plus and minus buttons can be used for zooming the map.
List of Birmingham landmarks
Following list presents all the major landmarks in Birmingham that are marked on the map above as well:
- Bull Ring - Major commercial area in the heart of Birmingham with number of landmarks.
- Selfridges Department Store - High end department store in ultramodern building.
- Victoria Square - Main square with old buildings, sculptures and big fountain.
- Council House - Historical building of Birmingham city council with clock tower.
- Jewellery Quarter - Historical district dedicated to jewellery manufacture.
- Aston Hall - Jacobean mansion house with museum, parks and gardens.
- Birmingham Central Library - Birmingham's main library built in Brutalist style.
- Beetham Tower - 121 metres tall skyscraper that is highest occupied building in the city.
- Rotunda - 81 metres high residential tower building of cylindrical shape.
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